Scripts, Services, Mavlink Router, DDS Bridge, Logloader

A collection of useful scripts can be found in the “ark_jetson_scripts” repository.

With an internet connection, running the "" will install the prerequisites, copy the services, and enable them.


The Mavlink router service sets up an always on connection to the flight controller USB port.

The default configuration can be found here.

In QGroundControl, when on the same network, you can connect to the flight controller by adding a UDP connection to port 14550 and the IP address of the Jetson.

Other applications running on the Jetson can connect using the local IP and port 14569.


The Logloader service uses MAVSDK to connect to Mavlink Router and monitor for new flight controller logs. When a new log is detected, it downloads from the flight controller SD card to the Jetson file system. If log uploading is enabled, it will automatically upload to PX4 Flight Review and send an email with a link to view the log.


DDS Agent Service

The DDS Agent service runs micro-xrce-dds-agent on the serial port for ROS nodes to publish and subscribe directly to PX4 UORB topics.

The client needs to be started on the flight controller by setting the parameters UXRCE_DDS_CFG to TELEM2 and matching the baud rate of 3000000 with parameter SER_TEL2_BAUD.

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