
This page explains the function of each ARK-OS service.

This collection of services is referred to as ARK-OS and is installed using the ARK-OS repository. The services are installed as systemd user services and follow the XDG Base Directory Specification.

The mavlink-router service routes the MAVLink data from the Jetson USB port /dev/ttyACM0 to user defined UDP endpoints. The Jetson USB port is connected directly to the Flight Controller USB and is capable of 3Mbps.

The Jetson Micro-USB is muxed with the Flight controller USB. The Flight Controller USB connection will not work while the Micro-USB is connected.

The configuration can be edited in the ARK-UI. The default configuration is found here:

Remote ID Transmitter

The rid-transmitter service enables compliance with Remote ID requirements as specified in ASTMF3411 by implementing the Bluetooth functionality described in ASTMF3586. It requires a network card that supports Bluetooth 5.2.

The configuration can be edited in the ARK-UI. The default configuration is found here:


The logloader service automatically downloads the PX4 .ulg flight logs from the Flight Controller SD card after each flight. It will automatically upload the log to a locally hosted Flight Review server and optionally upload to a remotely hosted server.

The configuration can be edited in the ARK-UI. The default configuration is found here:

Flight Review

The flight-review service is a locally hosted instance of the PX4 Flight Review web application for flight log plotting and analysis. It can be accessed at http://jetson.local/flight-review/. By default all logs downloaded by logloader will be visible on the local server.

DDS Agent

The dds-agent service bridges the PX4 uORB pub/sub system to ROS2 topics on the Jetson. The bridged topics are defined in PX4 Firmware and can be found here. The dds-agent runs the micro-xrce-dds-agent on the /dev/ttyTHS1 serial port of the Jetson. This serial port is connected directly to the Flight Controller Telem2 port and is capable of 3Mbps.

The Flight Controller firmware needs to be configured by setting these parameters:







3000000 8N1

For more information please see the official PX4 docs for UXRCE DDS.

Hostspot Control

The hotspot-control service configures the Jetson as a hotspot if it is unable to connect to a WiFi network after 1 minute from booting. It will create a hotspot with the name jetson-<serialnumber> with a password of password. Once connected to the hotspot you can go to http://jetson.local to connect to your local network.


The polaris service provides a client interface to the Point One Polaris RTK Correction Network. This service allows you to receive network RTK corrections over the internet with an active Point One subscription. This allows you to achieve centimeter precision position hold anywhere the network is available.

The configuration can be edited in the ARK-UI. The default configuration is found here:

RTSP Server

The rtsp-server service provides a RTSP Server for live streaming video. The server uses gstreamer and is currently only compatible with CSI cameras, for example /dev/video0. Stay tuned for future plans to support both CSI and USB cameras.

The configuration can be edited in the ARK-UI. The default configuration is found here:

ARK UI Backend

The ark-ui-backend service is a REST API backend for the ARK-UI. It provides API endpoints for managing services, querying device information, and updating the Flight Controller firmware.

Jetson CAN

This jetson-can service enables the CAN interface on the Jetson.

Jetson Clocks

The jetson-clocks service sets the Jetson clocks to their maximum rate. This will increase the power consumption and heat generation of the Jetson so ensure you are using a heatsink with a fan.

Last updated