PX4 Instructions

Find most up to date documentation at https://docs.px4.io/main/en/dronecan/ark_cannode.html

Firmware Setup

ARK CANnode runs the PX4 DroneCAN Firmware. As such, it supports firmware update over the CAN bus and dynamic node allocation.

ARK CANnode boards ship with recent firmware pre-installed, but if you want to build and flash the latest firmware yourself see PX4 DroneCAN Firmware > Building the Firmware.

  • Firmware target: ark_cannode_default

  • Bootloader target: ark_cannode_canbootloader

Flight Controller Configuration

Enable DroneCAN

In order to use the ARK CANnode board, connect it to the Pixhawk CAN bus and enable the DroneCAN driver by setting parameter UAVCAN_ENABLE to 2 for dynamic node allocation (or 3 if using DroneCAN ESCs).

The steps are:

Once enabled, the module will be detected on boot.

DroneCAN configuration in PX4 is explained in more detail in DroneCAN > Enabling DroneCAN.

Enable Sensors

You will need to enable the subscriber appropriate for each of the sensors that are connected to the ARK CANnode.

This is done using the the parameters named like UAVCAN_SUB_* in the parameter reference (such as UAVCAN_SUB_ASPD, UAVCAN_SUB_BARO etc.).

Last updated